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Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) facilitate the analysis and the crossing of data, quantitative and qualitative, concerning the spatial distribution of the most varied phenomena at different scales.

A team that has been committed to responsible territorial development for more than 20 years, with experience and market knowledge, is able to respond to challenges in various thematic areas:

  • Aeronautics

  • Agriculture and Forestry

  • Environment

  • demography

  • Impact and Environmental Assessment Studies

  • Urban Management

  • Earth Observation

  • Civil Protection

  • tourism


  • Data Analysis– Analysis procedures applied to geographical and non-geographic data in order to obtain additional information in the preparation of studies and reports.

          Eg Calculations of areas, perimeters, intersections, corridors and design of graphics.

  • Network Analysis– Study of the fundamental characteristics of a network, at the level of connectivity and accessibility

Eg Road network, electricity grid, gas supply network, water and sanitation network.

  • Multicriteria Analysis– Use of statistical methods to examine and evaluate the variables to be an integrated in the information system, that can be applied to several thematic areas, by crossing them according to a certain arithmetic weighting.

Eg Creation of scenarios in areas such as Geomarketing, Civil Protection, Environmental Impact Studies, Spatial Planning and Tourism.

  • geographic databases– Object Oriented Data Models, in order to represent geographic (graphic) and alphanumeric (attributes) information, having a spatial reference system (coordinates), where it is possible to relate objects and tables in a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System).

  • Thematic Mapping and Infographics– Representation and communication of spatial information in the form of maps and figures, which can cover several thematic areas.

  • Satellite Image Processing– Methodology for extracting information from the terrestrial surface and atmosphere from composite satellite images.

  • Digital Terrain or Elevation Models– In the context of the use in GIS,  Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is any set of data in numerical format that, for a given zone, allows to associate any defined point on the cartographic plane _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_with a value corresponding to its elevation.

  • Modeling, Surface Analysis and 2D and 3D Animation– Product obtained from specific techniques in GIS, based on two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) information characteristics.

  • Simulation and Creation of Scenarios– Through the use of geoprocessing tools and spatial analysis, it's possible to create models that can be used on multiple occasions, simulating and creating various scenarios, depending on the variables considered and the weighting assigned.

  • Decision Support Systems– Development of Decision Support Systems based on the elaboration of Action Plans oriented to various thematic areas.

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