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The Use Concept, created in 2010, is a company with experience and positioning in the national market in the scope of Geographic Information Systems, Land-use Planning and Spatial Planning. It assumes as its main objectives the conceptualization, implementation and dissemination of theoretical and applied research in their fields of work.

Our services are multidisciplinary processes that meet the needs of organizations, with the objective of optimizing the processes and the sustained growth of each organization, contributing to the sustainability and competitiveness of each one. This strategy is based on areas of Geographic Information Systems, Mapping and Spatial Development and Environmental Development.  

The impact on organizations and the added value to our customers business through our services is reflected in increased decision, business and operational effectiveness, mirroring a greater and more efficient return on investment.

The development of The Use Concept as a learning organization, as well as the constant innovation in the processes and procedures we develop, are the basis of our ideology, which is based on learning and continuous improvement. In this way, we can always give the best response to our clients' requests, thus increasing their satisfaction.

With a constant change in the market, the territory and the customers, there is, necessarily, a pressing need for updating and knowledge of them. Carrying out market studies tailored to the needs of each case study, we have obtained a better reading of the market reality. This analysis is reflected in the best result for our clients, so they can make decisions based on the acquired knowledge.

Mission . Vision . Values

Provide viable services and solutions in the area of Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Planning that contribute to the growth and competitiveness of our clients.

To be a reference of excellence at national and international level, for the quality of service that we provide, for the satisfaction and trust of our customers and for innovation and constant improvement.

Promote relationships of trust and responsibility between the company and the client; Valorization of the territory; Social and Environmental Valorization and Respect.



We are a qualified, multidisciplinary team with a vast experience at national and international level, essentially in the fields related to the transformation of the geographic space and with the spatial planning.


The main contributions and/or values of the team are understood as:

  • The ease of integration into pluridisciplinary teams in order to carry out studies and projects.

  • Mastering methods and techniques, from the most robust to the highest technological sophistication, applying to the most varied fields of knowledge.

  • Conducting careful assessments in the levels of efficiency in the implementation of public policy programs.

  • The elaboration of plans and programs supported by technical and professional rules, and national and community directives.

  • The accomplishment of sectoral or integrated or strategic diagnoses, with techniques of involvement and participation of actors, agents and the population in general.

  • The design of territorial development strategies.

We are at your disposal for any further clarification of our services.

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