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Climate-Smart Agriculture in a Changing World

Project Description

Climate change is linked to the human impact on the natural environment and the social, cultural, and economic disparities it has generated over the past centuries. Although this is a global issue, responsibility and negative impacts are not globally distributed: the most ecologically fragile landscapes will suffer more and sooner, increasing the vulnerability that already exists and that has been reinforced by the last centuries. Mediterranean-type ecosystems are particularly fragile in terms of agricultural activity and food production. In the face of climate change, small farmers should expect increased desertification and loss of agricultural productivity (lower yields and higher maintenance costs).

However, there is hope: from a climate perspective, climate-smart agriculture allows small and new farmers to implement management practices that have the simultaneous effect of increasing yields, improving soil properties, efficiently capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide, and storing it underground. The soil types and climate of Mediterranean Europe combine both the opportunity and the need to implement such changes, and because of their important but fragile heritage, small and new farmers are the perfect target audience to start with.

The CarboNostrum project offers small and new farmers across Mediterranean Europe, the tools to rethink or change their land management practices, in order to effectively combat climate change and desertification and increase their economic sustainability.



The main objective of the project is to develop a CarboNostrum HUB with training resources, tools, and knowledge to be able to apply climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions on the poorest and most degraded land in Mediterranean ecosystems. In this way, the users involved will be able to design their own land management practices to ensure sustainable use of natural resources, in balance with local knowledge and sustainable challenges in the near future.

CarboNostrum primarily addresses two target groups:
- Small, young, and new agricultural producers;

- Agricultural cooperatives, local development associations, and municipalities in rural areas.



  1. CarboNostrum Handbook (ebook) systematizes a theoretical framework concerning sustainable agriculture that increases resilience to climate change and reduces and/or eliminates greenhouse gas emissions. The handbook will be complemented by a best practice guide.

  2. CarboNostrum Battery of Case Studies (ebook): a collection of case studies, two for each partner country, representing strategies and practices implemented in the context of climate-smart agriculture in terms of practical impacts, advantages/disadvantages, and processes applied to agricultural business models.

  3. CarboNostrum Course: an innovative course combining e-learning, synchronized sessions, and face-to-face meetings, following a theoretical and practical methodology capable of transferring knowledge and skills to students in a fast and interactive way.

  4. CarboNostrum HUB, with the creation of a Web-GIS platform that integrates the different dimensions of the project in an interactive platform and friendly environment, designed to promote the most personalized, motivating, and collaborative content and engage in self-learning and present all the results of the project.





  • The USE Concept, Lda (Portugal)

    • Coordination.​

  • AidLearn - Human Resources Consulting Ltd (Portugal)

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

  • State agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Spain)

  • Molise verso il 2000 scrl (Italy)

  • Maylog (Turkey)

Project Start Date: 01/01/2022
Project End Date: 04/30/2024

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